Lessons From The Children

At times..I feel that we learn from our children more as compared to what we actually intend to 'teach' them. It all depends on how receptive we want to be in absorbing what's around us. Through them, we learn the meaning of honesty, like how they tell it as it is, without twisting the words to please like most adults do. They teach us the true meaning of patience (when dealing with them), and how they behave mirrors how we actually are. 

"..life is all about falling down and learning to getting up again...."

When they are insecure, it may stem from our own inner insecurities and overwhelming worries. We want the best from them, yet we're not confident that they can achieve it by themselves. We smother them and blanket them every step of the way, so afraid they might fall and get hurt. Growing up (..and life) is all about falling down and getting up again.. and this continues on even for us adults. It's just that, as adults, it's even harder to get up after a fall.....and sadly, some adults stay down...


Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys exploring and sharing her personal thoughts and opinions, as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Discover more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>> http://missionpossible-sahm.blogspot.com/search/label/Sheen's%20Thoughts


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