Learning to Grow

At times, when an incident happens to us, how many times do we turn around and try to place the blame on someone or something. For example, when we trip over a rock, instead of telling ourselves that we should be careful, we yell at the rock for being in our way. Sounds familiar?

Things happen because of us (via some chain reaction or something we did), and not to us or just because the world is against us. An incident may be a test - to allow us to discover what we are capable of and what we need to improve in ourselves. At times, we consider ourselves as 'victims' of circumstances. We sit and wallow, asking 'why'. Instead, we should take a step back and ask 'how to make it better' or 'how to overcome this'. In some cases, we may need to extend out our hands for help if we're not able to sort it out ourselves. And this includes extending our hands to place Du'a to the Almighty for His Divine help. Most importantly, an effort has to be in place and there should be a  strong will to do something about it.

No one is in the perfect position to help you other than yourself. No one is going to remove that rock in front of you, unless you make that effort to be extra careful when you walk. And if you trip and fall again, you need to always get up, learn from it and continue with your journey. This time with a more conscientious mind.

The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.
- Mortimer Adler

Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys exploring and sharing her personal thoughts and opinions, as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Discover more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>> http://missionpossible-sahm.blogspot.com/search/label/Sheen's%20Thoughts


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