To work or not to work....

Where does the role of parenting come in for working adults. I'm not in the position to judge or prejudge because individual priorities differs. Most adults strive hard to ensure material comfort and some may choose to put aside the importance of parental presence - physical and emotional- towards their children.

Child-rearing has also become a business opportunity with the 'mushrooming' of childcare centers and nurseries. And as more parents choose to be part of the workforce, young children are left with childminders, maids...though the lucky ones, I believe, are those who get grandparents or the extended family taking over this parental role.
How much has this switch in parental roles change the society?

I truly admire the working mom who continues her role even after 'office hours' to carry out the parental and domestic tasks, without any paid help. Truly remarkable. And these ladies deserve my salute :)

Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys sharing and exploring her thoughts as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Discover more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>>'s%20Thoughts


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