A few days ago, while driving the boys to school, a car driving ahead of me suddenly swerved towards mine to avoid another car, which suddenly got into his lane, without indicating. I'm so grateful I have driven at a safe distance and thus avoiding any form of collision or unwanted accident. As much as speed is essential in this part of the city, so is being really alert. Defensive driving is a must here, and many who drives here can attest to that. Gosh! How that incident gave me such palpitations and goosebumps. How fragile life can be......
"You have to live life with your eyes wide open.."

Having that incident happened so early that morning brought up some kind of
epiphany. I believe things happen for a reason. It's up to us to learn from them. Nothing should be taken for granted. The responsibility in ensuring that my boys are safe are in my hands, God Willing. I've been entrusted with this role and I have to make the best of it. You have to live life with both your eyes wide open.
Be aware. When you're aware, you'll be able to make the best of what there is to offer. When you're aware, you'll be able to feel the generous blessings around you. When you're aware, you'll see yourself ( and others) in better light. When you're aware, you'll see things at different perspectives. When you're aware, you'll be able to assert your inner strength and improve on weaknesses. And when you're aware, you'll realize that there's
always something to be grateful for...
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