To Give In or Not to Give In...

I find it alittle tricky to teach a child that he can't always get what he wishes for. To add to this, knowing parents (around you) who have the tendency to indulge on their children, doesn't make the job any easier for me. It is harder to say 'No' ( and then later providing an explanation for this), than to cave-in unquestionably. Some might even say, "Oh pity So-and-so will be so sad if she doesn't get that I-pad.." To me, it'll be a pity if the child takes it for granted when she expects to receive every time she asks for something. It's not about being's about teaching a child the values in life.
And sometimes, I wonder, why do some parents over-indulge on their children..? Is it to make up for something lacking? Or to show that they are 'capable' to provide. If so, what is the impact to the child, at the present time and in long run..?
Because, in life, you don't always get what you want. Hence, having a grateful attitude truly helps to overcome the constant need to fulfill wants. Material wants don't necessarily satisfy. Sometimes, they are just meant to mark a social status - the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'. Or maybe to fill up certain voids within us, to hide our insecurities....
Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey
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Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys exploring and sharing her personal thoughts and opinions, as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Discover more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>>'s%20Thoughts
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