
~ Dr Seuss
It seems so easy to judge others and it's always not pleasing when you are made the subject of judgements. I find that my worse critics are from my own kind - women. Instead of showing empathy to those striving hard to rise to expectations, they readily shoots down other women whom they see not measuring up to their expectations.
I was 'talked down' recently for not being free enough to oblige to an appointment. I'm fully aware of my tight schedule (in the mornings) and with the current situation of having to do additional chauffeuring, it's been choc-a block on week-days... mornings especially. Instead, I offered to arrange another time, preferably when it's alittle less chaotic and convenient for both of us. Instead, she lambasted, "Why do you need to rush all the time? You dont have to go to the office or attend meetings. If you're in my position, you'll go cukkoo!". Well, she's an executive with 2 maids and a driver. How can she ever compare her life with mine - a homemaker who chooses to give up a career for the well-being of the family. It's a myth to think that all homemakers have so much free-time....
I have utmost respective for women who are able to uphold a successful career without shortchanging the family priorities. However I would sincerely wish for great understanding for some of us who chooses to go about life on a different path. Still, I realize that everyone is entitled for an opinion. As a saying goes "Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe it anyway." ~Elbert Hubbard
Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys exploring and sharing her personal thoughts and opinions, as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Discover more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>> http://missionpossible-sahm.blogspot.com/search/label/Sheen's%20Thoughts
Ask her to switch place, sure cannot tahan-norza
ReplyDeleteBabe... good thought :) I am not against them at all....there should be mutual respect.