Mom Essentials...Foods to beat the blues..!
Mommies....Feeling the blues?
If you're like me, eating or snacking is the 'natural' response when the the mood goes low. However, I've found these helpful tips that can also help you for an extra 'pick-me-up' for the day.
Try these suggestions.. :)
If you're like me, eating or snacking is the 'natural' response when the the mood goes low. However, I've found these helpful tips that can also help you for an extra 'pick-me-up' for the day.
Try these suggestions.. :)

Sweet potatoes are a merry mood-boosting pick because they’re high in lowfat carbohydrates. “Lowfat carbs are the key to a good mood because they allow the brain to make the natural feel-good element called serotonin,” says Nina Frusztajer, M.D., the coauthor of The Serotonin Power Diet. To make them a bit more fun, sprinkle marshmallows on top.
If you’re feeling crabby, it might have to do with your blood sugar. “When your blood sugar drops, your mood goes south,” says Jack Challem, the author of The Food-Mood Solution. To avoid a crash in blood sugar, put some almonds, pecans, cashews and raisins in a sandwich bag and keep it handy. The monounsaturated fat (the good kind) in the nuts slows digestion, helping blood sugar to stabilize.
Getting enough iron is important for battling the blues. “Iron carries oxygen,” says Elizabeth Somer, R.D., the author of Food & Mood. “So when you are low on iron, you literally suffocate your brain and your tissues.” One cup of black beans provides 20 percent of your daily iron intake, and what’s more tasty than wrapping them in a burrito? ( I was actually thinking about Kacang Phool with a fried egg sunny side up...yummm)
5) CHOCOLATE...(MY FAVOURITE of the lot...)
“Why not add chocolate to anything?” says Kleiner. (It’s hard to disagree.) For the ultimate pick-me-up, try hot cocoa. Some studies have found that natural cocoa powder may help lower blood pressure, and if you put milk in your mug, it may increase the production of serotonin, which helps to put you in a relaxed mood. Swiss Miss won’t cut it; this has to be the all-natural dark cocoa kind of hot chocolate. (yummmm...)
Well, mommies, apart from these tips, what's important is that you should always put yourself first, it's not being selfish to take care of yourself. Take a break in between chores and have a cuppa. You decide how busy you should be and if things overwhelms you, do take it slow or ask for help. You are precious and you shouldn't allow anyone to prejudge you just because you're a stay-at-home mom. Feel good about yourself and be who you are. Life is more than just chores and worrying about what people think about you. If you're happy from the inside, it'll show on you and you'll be smiling all the way :)
Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning and she especially enjoys sharing information and having friends share thoughts and stories - for her and everyone to reflect on. Read Sheen's Sharing Notes at =>>
Acknowledgement :
Richelle-Lemas, S. (2011), '5 Foods to Boost your Moods',
Richelle-Lemas, S. (2011), '5 Foods to Boost your Moods',
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