Let's Stay Positive!
Whether a SAHM or not, it's a wonder how mothers manage to keep their sanity and continue to stay positive with so much in the daily schedule. Many find it stressful and tiring just to keep up. A lot has been written about how one can maintain positivity. Let me share with you some of the ways.
1. Knowing yourself.
What we think usually manifests itself in our behavior. When we think positive, it reflects in our attitude and behavior. Take inventory of our thoughts and take note of how these affect us.
2. The Law of Attraction.
A powerful universal law operates anywhere and everywhere on this planet. It is called the Law of Attraction, and it means this:
3. Positive Self-Talk
The best place to start is with yourself. Try as best you can to follow these principal guidelines:
4. Associating with Positive People
One of the most important factors in maintaining a positive attitude is associating with positive people. How will you recognize them?
5. Let Peace and Grace Flow...
Your natural state as a human being is one of peace and grace, but the world has imposed its chaos and troubles on us all. Relax and take frequent breaks throughout the day to concentrate on your breathing, read inspirational writings, or just count your blessings. Realize that peace and abundance are all around you. Open your heart to receive it. Your days will start to go better.
Jerome-Pertilla, L. "How to Maintain a Positive Attitude", Survival Insight, http://www.survivalinsight.com/maintain-positive-attitude.html, 2011

What we think usually manifests itself in our behavior. When we think positive, it reflects in our attitude and behavior. Take inventory of our thoughts and take note of how these affect us.
2. The Law of Attraction.
A powerful universal law operates anywhere and everywhere on this planet. It is called the Law of Attraction, and it means this:
- Whatever you concentrate on, pay attention to, focus on or dwell on is drawn to you, for better or worse. If you spend your time thinking on negative or fearful things, your problems will enlarge. On the other hand, if your thoughts are positive, hopeful and constructive, you will draw positive things into your experience.
How much control do you have over this phenomenon? A lot!
3. Positive Self-Talk
The best place to start is with yourself. Try as best you can to follow these principal guidelines:
- Be conscious of how you refer to yourself and your life. Substitute positive statements for doubtful or negative ones.
- Affirm your worthiness with positive statements, such as, “I am healthy, I am strong, I am able to do everything I set my mind to. Abundance and contentment are mine.”
- Whenever a thought rises up that seems negative, substitute it with a peaceful, loving one.
4. Associating with Positive People
One of the most important factors in maintaining a positive attitude is associating with positive people. How will you recognize them?
- They will be operating “from the heart” rather than the ego.
- Even though they will have challenges and problems like everyone else, there will be a peace, a grace around them.
- Positive people do not blame others for their situations. They know they create their own reality, just as you do.
- Positive people are often prosperous without seeming to strive to be.
- They reach out to others in need and take little thought for themselves.
5. Let Peace and Grace Flow...
Your natural state as a human being is one of peace and grace, but the world has imposed its chaos and troubles on us all. Relax and take frequent breaks throughout the day to concentrate on your breathing, read inspirational writings, or just count your blessings. Realize that peace and abundance are all around you. Open your heart to receive it. Your days will start to go better.
Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning and she especially enjoys sharing information and having friends share thoughts and stories - for her and everyone to reflect on. Read Sheen's Sharing Notes at =>> http://missionpossible-sahm.blogspot.com/search/label/Sharing%20Notes
Jerome-Pertilla, L. "How to Maintain a Positive Attitude", Survival Insight, http://www.survivalinsight.com/maintain-positive-attitude.html, 2011
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