Wonder Woman...am Not!

I realize that the house may not be entirely 'spic and span' (we're maid-less), but I've always have this urge to find ways to fill up what ever time I have. I feel that I shouldn't limit myself to just chores and errands...taking up a hobby or creative activities would be good (..I thought). You'll get a sense of achievement and contentment...etc. Let's see what else I'd take up next....hehee..to add on to the long list of tasks and chores that's already filling up the to-do list each day. Pheeww!!
Still, at times, I can feel the energy draining away when there's too much to do....fatigue does strike, once in awhile. Sometimes pretty often too. When this happens, I know it's time to hit the salon and get a good relaxing massage or facial.....! And that's reward JUSTIFIED! *grin*
Grey, R (2010), "Scientists prove that Women are better at multi-tasking than Men", The Telegraph, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/7896385/Scientists-prove-that-women-are-better-at-multitasking-than-men.html
Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys sharing and exploring her thoughts as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Read more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>> http://missionpossible-sahm.blogspot.com/search/label/Sheen's%20Thoughts
Grey, R (2010), "Scientists prove that Women are better at multi-tasking than Men", The Telegraph, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/7896385/Scientists-prove-that-women-are-better-at-multitasking-than-men.html
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