Kacang Phool ( Breakfast Foul Beans) with Toast

This is one of my favourite comfort food. So happy when I saw that can of Foul beans (Kimball) on the grocery shelf the other day. It was the last can there, and I knew it was meant for me. Yes! So today, I cooked this, my way and had a fabulous breakfast. What's more with both my parents here for the holidays, breakfasts (and other meals) seem extra special. Try this and see how it warms you and truly starts your day :)


1 can Foul Beans ( I used one from Kimball) - mashed coarsely, in its 'liquid'.
1 cup water
2 cloves garlic - finely minced
1 small tomato - diced
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
1/2 teaspoon fennel powder
1 teaspoon meat curry powder

 For Garnishing
1 egg - fried sunny side up
chopped green chillies
diced large red onion
butter/ghee melted, or olive oil for a healthier choice :)

French loaf, warm pita bread or toasted sliced bread.

Place all ingredients in a pot and slowly simmer till well heated and cooked.

To serve: 
Place a ladle of beans on a plate. Position the fried egg and the other garnishings on it. Serve warm. Yummmm!!


Sheen Mars is a SAHM who loves the simple pleasures of home-cooked dinners. Get more scrumptious recipes (Western and Asian) and cooking tips at Sheen's Dinner Ideas =>> http://missionpossible-sahm.blogspot.com/search/label/Sheen's%20Dinner%20Ideas 


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