This One's For The Children
How many times do we find ourselves distracted with fatigue to listen to what our children are saying about their friends and school? At times, especially towards the end of the day, when I'm longing to just wash-up and change to my pjs, I'd just be tempted to hurry them to bed when they each try to tell their 'stories'. But when is a good time to bond, to learn about our children, and find out what they do at school or what happened in class, or just talk about anything.
Children needs us to bounce ideas with and at the same time feel the comfort of knowing that someone close is always there to listen (really listen). I'd rather that 'this someone close' be a parent and not a maid or child-minder. Would we rather have 'outsiders' be closer to our children than parents? At the same time, I wonder how working parents make-up lost time with their children? As the saying goes "Your children need your presence not presents".
I feel sad whenever I read about youths involved in illegal activities and definitely disapprove of those who hang out in public areas during late night when they should be in bed. Are children allowed to be 'free' when they've reached a certain age? A recent case of "Mat Rempit" (Reckless Motorcyclists) case saw 2 youths aged at only 14-15yrs caught in the wee hours of the morning riding motorcycle without a valid license. When asked, one said he rode his mom's bike and claimed that he "got permission" for riding the bike.
How can we be sure that our children can remain safe in our care and stay away from such groups and bad activities? As reported in most newspapers, crimes by youths have soared lately. This has included robbery, rape, gangsterism and extortions. A rising concern would be - Is there a breakdown in the parental process along the way? How has the lack of parenting contributed to this? Should families rely on the authorities to regulate youth activities...? To me, this is like passing the buck....
As our children get older, they may want to share less with us parents as they would insist for more private space. By then it may be too late... Maybe listening and paying attention to our children would certainly be a good start to parenting.
Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys sharing and exploring her thoughts as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Discover more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>>'s%20Thoughts
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