Petite Apple Yoghurt Cake

Saw this cute 15cm (6") springform tin and couldn't resist from getting it. And I baked this petite Apple Yoghurt Cake with Walnuts earlier today. Portion is just right for me and hubby.. coz the boys don't like anything that's not chocolatey.

Original recipe is available from an earlier post of Apple Cinnamon with Raisins and Walnut Cake. I halved the portion and susbtituted milk for mixed berries yogurt instead. Result - fruity aromatic apple cake with a crunch ♥

Lovely when eaten whilst still warm :)


Prepare 15cm (6") springform tin, greased and lined.

Preheat oven to 180deg.

I used 2 1/2 small sized green apples - peeled, cored and diced. Squeeze some lemon juice over it and toss lightly. Put aside.

70gm butter - melted and cooled
1       egg - slightly beaten
2 tablespoons of mixed berries yogurt
1/2 teaspn vanilla essence

1 1/4 cups of self raising flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup raisins
3/4 cup soft brown sugar

Some milk (in case batter is too thick or stiff, add milk a tablespoon at a time till you get a soft dropping consistency)

1/3 cup chopped walnuts
1 tablespoon brown sugar
a dash of cinnamon
- Mix these and sprinkle on batter before baking.

In a large bowl mix the flour, cinnamon, raisins and sugar.
Make a well in the center and mix the melted butter, egg, yogurt and vanilla. Add apples. Mix batter. If batter is too stiff, add a tablepoon of milk till you get a dropping consistency.

Sprinkle topping.

Bake in 180deg oven for about 45-50 mins. Or until cake is done when tested with a toothpick. If the top browns too quickly, you may cover it with a tin foil after 15mins.


Sheen Mars is a SAHM with 2 lovely boys who loves the simple pleasures of home-cooked meals. Get more scrumptious ideas on Sheen's Tea-time and Simple Desserts Treats (Western and Asian).

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