Gratitude VS Material
Today, I noticed my eldest son flipping today's paper vehemently, studying the pages really closely. At first, I thought he was looking for news clippings for a school project.I asked what he was looking for.
And the conversation went as follows;
He said, "I'm looking for Mobile Phone ads"
" I want to know what's the latest type and how much"
He stayed silent.
"Tell me why do you need to know about these"
He was silent and looked away from me.
"Is there something wrong with the phone you're using?"
"No, it works fine"
Then I stopped and thought for a while...Where he goes to school, kids would be seen carrying the latest hand phone, playing the latest PS3 games or wearing the latest designer Nike shoes for sports practice.
I sat beside him and asked " Is it because it's an old hand phone?" and he nodded.
I understand his 'dilemma'. He doesn't feel belonged, just like a 'you're-not-one-of us' kid. But to indulge would mean bowing to his material fancies. To restrain may lead to resentment. He's only 10+yrs old, yet he already feels the pressure in keeping up with his classmates. I dare not wonder what lies ahead, but am just going to take it when it comes.
The challenge here, would be for me to teach or instill in him a sense of gratitude - he already has a phone that's working just fine and many other kids his age doesn't even have one. And such material wealth must be earned and not an easy entitlement. I'm not a wonder-parent-consultant who's able to confront situations like this with ease. It's quite touchy as it affects emotions and it affects the sense of self-worthiness for the child. He has to feel confident and comfortable without the need to possess material things.
But somehow, when attempting to explain myself, I feel that it's not easy to choose words that can be easily understood by a child. Even the word 'gratitude' or 'thankfulness' may seem like a big word and too big a concept for most kids to grasp (especially in this materialistic world). On the other hand, spending too much time fretting over such matter would also blow matters out of proportion. I guess I'd leave the matter to rest after the attempt to advice, and move on. It's a new day tomorrow and I'm sure there so much more good things to look forward to.
I'm confident, God Willing, he'll be able to understand why he can't get everything that he wishes for at this time... that some things are set aside as rewards for good work well done and others will just remain in the wish-list. After all, he can be assured that he'll be getting the love, attention and emotional support from us, God Willing, as he deserves so. And that, I'm sure is priceless.
He said, "I'm looking for Mobile Phone ads"
" I want to know what's the latest type and how much"
He stayed silent.
"Tell me why do you need to know about these"
He was silent and looked away from me.
"Is there something wrong with the phone you're using?"
"No, it works fine"
Then I stopped and thought for a while...Where he goes to school, kids would be seen carrying the latest hand phone, playing the latest PS3 games or wearing the latest designer Nike shoes for sports practice.
I sat beside him and asked " Is it because it's an old hand phone?" and he nodded.
I understand his 'dilemma'. He doesn't feel belonged, just like a 'you're-not-one-of us' kid. But to indulge would mean bowing to his material fancies. To restrain may lead to resentment. He's only 10+yrs old, yet he already feels the pressure in keeping up with his classmates. I dare not wonder what lies ahead, but am just going to take it when it comes.
The challenge here, would be for me to teach or instill in him a sense of gratitude - he already has a phone that's working just fine and many other kids his age doesn't even have one. And such material wealth must be earned and not an easy entitlement. I'm not a wonder-parent-consultant who's able to confront situations like this with ease. It's quite touchy as it affects emotions and it affects the sense of self-worthiness for the child. He has to feel confident and comfortable without the need to possess material things.
But somehow, when attempting to explain myself, I feel that it's not easy to choose words that can be easily understood by a child. Even the word 'gratitude' or 'thankfulness' may seem like a big word and too big a concept for most kids to grasp (especially in this materialistic world). On the other hand, spending too much time fretting over such matter would also blow matters out of proportion. I guess I'd leave the matter to rest after the attempt to advice, and move on. It's a new day tomorrow and I'm sure there so much more good things to look forward to.
I'm confident, God Willing, he'll be able to understand why he can't get everything that he wishes for at this time... that some things are set aside as rewards for good work well done and others will just remain in the wish-list. After all, he can be assured that he'll be getting the love, attention and emotional support from us, God Willing, as he deserves so. And that, I'm sure is priceless.
Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys sharing and exploring her thoughts as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Read more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>>'s%20Thoughts
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