Love Thyself
As a Mom, naturally, we'd want the best of things. Neat and comfy home, tasty home-cooked dinners, healthy and bright kids, always available to nurse the sick ones, careful monthly budgets etc.... But are these expectations based on our own or what we think others expect of us.
How many times do we actually put ourselves after others. How many time do we give up that last slice of delicious chocolate cheesecake because our little boy wants an extra slice. How many times do we 'force' ourselves to shorten the amount rest when we're ill to continue with the chores and errands because "some one has to do it". Hence putting ourselves a step back all the time. Some (including me) call it 'sacrifice' and obligation. How much do we LOVE ourself to actually take care of ourselves?
Some of the many ways to take care of ourselves:
- Be conscientious about our health and keep fit.
- Eat well (no skipping of meals)
- Find ways to relax and have 'me' time
- Take up recreational activities and hobbies
- Enhance spiritual/religious experience [My personal addition]
Personally, option #5 has very much helped in making my temperament calmer and thoughts clear. Through this I have been able to broaden perspectives and less hasty in deriving to conclusions. Now, I feel there's a purpose to life and this encourages me to find ways towards self-improvement.
Is loving thyself Idealistic? I'm confident this is possible. Life is a never-ending learning experience. I am presently learning to create more 'me time' (which is hard) and start a new keep-fit program, God Willing. Hope the motivation to stay well is able to sustain through-out the year and for as long ass possible :)
Love starts with one else can make you do it but yourself. To love others, you have to start from loving yourself. And you so deserve all the love you can get :)
Sheen Mars is a SAHM who is on a journey of continuous learning. She especially enjoys sharing and exploring her thoughts as she reflects on her life as a SAHM. Read more about Sheen's Thoughts at =>>'s%20Thoughts
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